Friday, March 10, 2006


I have been sooo sleepy over the last few days. It is not like I haven't been getting enough sleep though. About two days ago, I had to come home early because I was just feeling extremely tired and nauseus. I came home at 11ish, went straight to bed and didn't get up till 3ish. Then I went back to sleep around 9 and woke up at 7:30 the next morning.

I thought I was a bit better yesterday. I came home early today because I wanted to spend some time with my dad, but by 4pm I was sooo tired that I just dozed off. At around 7:30 my grandma woke me up - I couldn't beleive that I had been asleep for that long! I had slept through everything that happened in my house and I am usually not a sound sleeper!

It is nearly 8pm now and I am ready to get back to sleep! I feel a bit of a head cold coming on and am feeling extremely tired.

As House would say , "Differential Diagnosis People!". Tash has already suggested that maybe it is TB or Malaria - both of which are pretty cool diseases medically. It would beat having something boring like an iron difficiency - but the former two might be a little bit more painful though and I don't think I can afford to get too sick this year...

It is just that I don't really want to see my Doctor because I don't actually feel "sick" just "tired"... Maybe if I continue to feel this way I will drag myself to the Doctor's surgery.