Hmph! A group in "Europe" have just sent a article for publication. This should normally not worry me in the slightest but it seems that they have just taken the credit for much of what my lab was working towards.
Anyways, it doesn't bother me too much as far as my project is concerned, rather this just means that I am playing the "mother" and "peacemaker" allready because it is least close to home for me...if that makes sense!
We are having a major "replan lab goals" session tomorrow. Just as well!
Also I wrote to a Professor today asking him about what he thought about some of my ideas. I referred to him as "Prof" in both my mails. He wrote back saying that I made it all sound too serious and so should call him by his first name... Who thinks I should call him "Professor" + list all his credentials everytime I address him????