I will give a reward to anyone who can remember who came and who went over the last few weeks! It has been so hectic at our house! My dad is going back to India today. My grandpa will be leaving at the end of the week as well. THEN! In a month or so, my grandma is also thinking of going to India! I am trying hard to get my mum to leave as well, but that doesn't seem to be working...
Taking my dad to the airport today and so I decided to take the day off. I feel like I have taken a lot of time off recently! It stresses me out! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!
In other news, research is going well. Hopefully I will be able to prove what I am seeing using two more methods - fingers double crossed for that! I also have a lab meeting with my spervisor this week (these come by quick!), which will hopefully go for more than 10minutes! I actually have stuff to "discuss" this time!
Some Vidya trivia for you...
I think this is funny - when you do a pubmed search for "Vasudevan V", you pick up a whole bunch of articles. Only one of which is mine (and that is not really that funny!:P). However, what is wierd about it is that while I work on a Cyclin-Dependant-Kinase-Like protein, there is another "Vasudevan V", who seems to be working on Cyclin-Dependant-Kinases.
That was a lot of useless information!
We (V?) Vasudevan's seem to be taking over the Phosphorylation Domains!! :P