Will this week neevverrr end???I just feel like its dragging on and on and on! I know I say this now, but once the week does end, I will say, "Now where did that week go??" Isn't that strange?? I think it is because I don't do enough during the week, and when it ends I find out that I didn't do nearly as much as I should have!
I am parked in a side street behind the hospital today and in order to get to it I have to walk through a car park, over a bridge, through the bushes by the creek - where I can wave hello to the ducks* and the one lizard..., up a mini hill and down a residential street. Normally this is a lovely walk, however, it is past 7:30pm now. Despite it being summer, I just looked out the window and it looks quite dark! When it gets dark like this, I normally turn on my mobile phone and use it as a sort of torch - but my phone has just died on me! I want you all to pray that I get to my car in one piece!!!
Soooo hungry! I feel like chocolate, but its a loooong walk to the cafeteria and I am too lazy to do that. I also could be microscopying right now, but I just turned everything off and locked the door.
Why does everything have to be so hard???
Soooo over it all!
Have a meeting with my supervisor tomorrow - I should probably prepare for that...
All I want right now is a bar of chocolate, a comfy cushiony chair, a fluffy pillow, my grandma's strong filter coffee (without sugar) and a good book!
* Where do the ducks go when it rains? I walk past this creek almost everyday and when it rains, these ducks disappear! Te minute the rain stops, they miraculously reappear! HMMMM... I wonder...